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2022 AFL Footy Tipping Winners

Congratulations to the Middy's 2022 AFL Footy Tipping Comp Winners.

01/09/2022 Promotions  
2022 AFL Footy Tipping Winners
Our winners each receive a massive cash booty for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes each year.

Congratulations to this year's winners:
  • 1st Prize: Warren Van Seters of Van Seters Electrical (Middy's Lilydale) who took out a massive cash booty of $10,000
  • 2nd Prize: Lee Kelly of Sparkt Electrics (Middy's Melton), who grabbed $5,000
  • 3rd Prize: Jacob Pearce of Pearce Electricians Group (Middy's Gisborne), who walked away with $2,500
In addition, over $1,000 was given away in $50 spot prizes each round.

Thanks for being a part of Middy's Footy Tipping and we wish you all the best for next season.

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