Moyne Health Services Port Fairy Hospital Switchboard Upgrade
ShareLearn how Middy's helped implement required upgrades at Port Fairy Hospital.

Port Fairy Hospital has been serving the local community since 1852. During this time there have been many additions and alterations to buildings and supporting infrastructure which have required immediate attention. Along with the recent Royal Commission recommendations, Project Manager for Moyne Health, Peter O’Keeffe was tasked with implementing the required upgrades.
To accommodate this need, an upgrade to the main switchboard was required doubling its capacity to 800 amps. As the hospital is in a fire prone area there was also a requirement for the facility to survive power outages at 100% capacity. To achieve this, a new 440kva generator was needed, along with an automatic transfer switch located in the new main board. Another point of concern was that the power around the buildings was mostly supplied in a daisy chain topology which in fault conditions presented greater loss of power. To counter this, the 20 new NHP distribution boards will be fed directly from the supplied 5.2metre double sided main board.
Peter turned to Hank Terpstra, Middy’s Industrial Business Development Manager and the team at the Warrnambool branch to deliver.
Another way Middy’s is offering you more...
"Hank’s industry knowledge, experience, service, support and his great relationship with the Middy’s Warrnambool team has made all the difference." - Peter O’Keeffe - Project Manager, Moyne Health
The Install: 800 AMP Switchboard Upgrade & 440KVA Generator Install
The Install:
- 800 AMP Switchboard Upgrade
- 440KVA Generator
- 20 x NHP Dsitribution Boards
Moyne Health Services Port Fairy Hospital Switchboard Upgrade Case Study - PDF Download